Tag Archives: musical hair

Naked in Toronto

Though our mom was a single parent, with limited financial resources, often battling depression, she still had the chutzpah and “outside the box” thinking to pull off (sometimes in collaboration with her friends, sometimes on her own) some pretty impressive projects. This adventure in particular I recall fondly, because it was my introduction, at age 14, to theater as a compelling institution that I would be soon diving into deeper myself (see “JLO”).

It was 1969 as I recall, and the now iconic rock musical “Hair” had previously opened on Broadway and was now playing in Toronto, Canada, about 300 miles northeast of Ann Arbor. Well my mom and my “Feminist Aunt” Mary Jane decided that our combined families should go see it. To keep the trip as economical as possible, they decided that we would all travel in my mom’s car. Continue reading →